Restaked Points

Your contribution to the security of the Pell Network ecosystem is measured by your accumulated restaked points. These points reflect your staking involvement and are calculated based on the total amount of BTC staked over time, expressed in BTC hours.

How to calculations

In the formulas that follow, ii represents the index of a staker, while jj represents the index of a token. The participation measure of a staker ii for a token jj is given by the formula

Pij=t=0TSij(t)dtP_{i j}=\int_{t=0}^{T} S_{i j}(t) d t

where Sij(t)S_{i j}(t) represents the amount of token jj held by staker ii at time tt, measured in nominal units of BTC. For the purposes of the nominal participation measure, we treat all tokens equivalently and calculate the total participation measure in units of BTC ⋅ hours. Points are accrued for each block where a token is actively staked.

For instance, a user who stakes 1 BTC LSD for 10 days should accrue 240 restaking points over this time period (1 BTC × 10 days × 24 hours/day = 240 BTC ⋅ hours).

Last updated